用timing wheel踢掉空闲连接


  • 每个连接保存”最后收到数据的时间lastReceiveTime“, 然后用一个定时器,每秒 遍历一遍所有的连接,断开那些(now - connection.lastReceiveTime) > 8s的connection。 这种做法全局只有一个repeated timer, 不过每次timeout都要检查全部连接,如果连接数目 比较大(几千万), 这一步可能比较费时。
  • 每个连接设置一个one-shot timer, 超时定为8s, 在超时的时候就断开本连接。当然, 每次收到数据要去更新timer。这种做法需要很多one-shot timer, 会频繁地更新timers。如果连接数目比较大,可能对EventLoop的 TimerQueue造成压力。

使用timing wheel能够避免上述两种做法的缺点。timing wheel可以翻译为”时间轮盘”或”刻度盘”。

timing wheel原理

定时轮是一种数据结构,其主体是一个循环列表(circular buffer),每个列表中包含一个称之为槽(slot)的结构(附图)。 至于 slot 的具体结构依赖具体应用场景。 以本文开头所述的管理大量连接 timeout 的场景为例,描述一下 timing wheel的具体实现细节。

timing wheel

定时轮的工作原理可以类比于始终,如上图箭头(指针)按某一个方向按固定频率轮动,每一次跳动称为一个 tick。 这样可以看出定时轮由个3个重要的属性参数,ticksPerWheel(一轮的tick数),tickDuration(一个tick的持续时间) 以及 timeUnit(时间单位),例如 当ticksPerWheel=60,tickDuration=1,timeUnit=秒,这就和现实中的始终的秒针走动完全类似了。

这里给出一种简单的实现方式,指针按 tickDuration 的设置进行固定频率的转动,其中的必要约定如下:

  1. 新加入的对象总是保存在当前指针转动方向上一个位置
  2. 相等的对象仅存在于一个 slot 中
  3. 指针转动到当前位置对应的 slot 中保存的对象就意味着 timeout 了

在 Timing Wheel 模型中包含4种操作:

Client invoke:

  1. START_TIMER(Interval, Request_ID, Expiry_Action)
  2. STOP_TIMER(Request_ID)

Timer tick invoke:


Timing Wheel 实现中主要考察的是前3种操作的时间和空间复杂度,而第4种属于超时处理通常实现为回调方法,由调用方的实现决定其效率,下面看一个用 Java 实现的 Timing Wheel 的具体例子:


 * A timing-wheel optimized for approximated I/O timeout scheduling.<br>
 * {@link TimingWheel} creates a new thread whenever it is instantiated and started, so don't create many instances.
 * <p>
 * <b>The classic usage as follows:</b><br>
 * <li>using timing-wheel manage any object timeout</li>
 * <pre>
 *    // Create a timing-wheel with 60 ticks, and every tick is 1 second.
 *    private static final TimingWheel<CometChannel> TIMING_WHEEL = new TimingWheel<CometChannel>(1, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 *    // Add expiration listener and start the timing-wheel.
 *    static {
 *      TIMING_WHEEL.addExpirationListener(new YourExpirationListener());
 *      TIMING_WHEEL.start();
 *    }
 *    // Add one element to be timeout approximated after 60 seconds
 *    TIMING_WHEEL.add(e);
 *    // Anytime you can cancel count down timer for element e like this
 *    TIMING_WHEEL.remove(e);
 * </pre>
 * After expiration occurs, the {@link ExpirationListener} interface will be invoked and the expired object will be
 * the argument for callback method {@link ExpirationListener#expired(Object)}
 * <p>
 * {@link TimingWheel} is based on <a href="http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/users/varghese/">George Varghese</a> and Tony Lauck's paper,
 * <a href="http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/users/varghese/PAPERS/twheel.ps.Z">'Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels: data structures
 * to efficiently implement a timer facility'</a>.  More comprehensive slides are located <a href="http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~cdgill/courses/cs6874/TimingWheels.ppt">here</a>.
 * @author mindwind
 * @version 1.0, Sep 20, 2012
public class TimingWheel<E> {

    private final long tickDuration;
    private final int ticksPerWheel;
    private volatile int currentTickIndex = 0;

    private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<ExpirationListener<E>> expirationListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ExpirationListener<E>>();
    private final ArrayList<Slot<E>> wheel;
    private final Map<E, Slot<E>> indicator = new ConcurrentHashMap<E, Slot<E>>();

    private final AtomicBoolean shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    private Thread workerThread;

    // ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Construct a timing wheel.
     * @param tickDuration
     *            tick duration with specified time unit.
     * @param ticksPerWheel
     * @param timeUnit
    public TimingWheel(int tickDuration, int ticksPerWheel, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
        if (timeUnit == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("unit");
        if (tickDuration <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("tickDuration must be greater than 0: " + tickDuration);
        if (ticksPerWheel <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ticksPerWheel must be greater than 0: " + ticksPerWheel);

        this.wheel = new ArrayList<Slot<E>>();
        this.tickDuration = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(tickDuration, timeUnit);
        this.ticksPerWheel = ticksPerWheel + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.ticksPerWheel; i++) {
            wheel.add(new Slot<E>(i));

        workerThread = new Thread(new TickWorker(), "Timing-Wheel");

    // ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void start() {
        if (shutdown.get()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be started once stopped");

        if (!workerThread.isAlive()) {

    public boolean stop() {
        if (!shutdown.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            return false;

        boolean interrupted = false;
        while (workerThread.isAlive()) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                interrupted = true;
        if (interrupted) {

        return true;

    public void addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener<E> listener) {

    public void removeExpirationListener(ExpirationListener<E> listener) {

     * Add a element to {@link TimingWheel} and start to count down its life-time.
     * @param e
     * @return remain time to be expired in millisecond.
    public long add(E e) {
        synchronized(e) {

            int previousTickIndex = getPreviousTickIndex();
            Slot<E> slot = wheel.get(previousTickIndex);
            indicator.put(e, slot);

            return (ticksPerWheel - 1) * tickDuration;

    private void checkAdd(E e) {
        Slot<E> slot = indicator.get(e);
        if (slot != null) {

    private int getPreviousTickIndex() {
        try {
            int cti = currentTickIndex;
            if (cti == 0) {
                return ticksPerWheel - 1;

            return cti - 1;
        } finally {

     * Removes the specified element from timing wheel.
     * @param e
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this timing wheel contained the specified
     *         element
    public boolean remove(E e) {
        synchronized (e) {
            Slot<E> slot = indicator.get(e);
            if (slot == null) {
                return false;

            return slot.remove(e) != null;

    private void notifyExpired(int idx) {
        Slot<E> slot = wheel.get(idx);
        Set<E> elements = slot.elements();
        for (E e : elements) {
            synchronized (e) {
                Slot<E> latestSlot = indicator.get(e);
                if (latestSlot.equals(slot)) {
            for (ExpirationListener<E> listener : expirationListeners) {

    // ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private class TickWorker implements Runnable {

        private long startTime;
        private long tick;

        public void run() {
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            tick = 1;

            for (int i = 0; !shutdown.get(); i++) {
                if (i == wheel.size()) {
                    i = 0;
                try {
                    currentTickIndex = i;
                } finally {

        private void waitForNextTick() {
            for (;;) {
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                long sleepTime = tickDuration * tick - (currentTime - startTime);

                if (sleepTime <= 0) {

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    private static class Slot<E> {

        private int id;
        private Map<E, E> elements = new ConcurrentHashMap<E, E>();

        public Slot(int id) {
            this.id = id;

        public void add(E e) {
            elements.put(e, e);

        public E remove(E e) {
            return elements.remove(e);

        public Set<E> elements() {
            return elements.keySet();

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + id;
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            Slot other = (Slot) obj;
            if (id != other.id)
                return false;
            return true;

        public String toString() {
            return "Slot [id=" + id + ", elements=" + elements + "]";


 * A listener for expired object events.
 * @author mindwind
 * @version 1.0, Sep 20, 2012
 * @see TimingWheel
public interface ExpirationListener<E> {

     * Invoking when a expired event occurs.
     * @param expiredObject
    void expired(E expiredObject);


我们分析一下这个简化版本 TimingWheel 实现中的 4 个主要操作的实现:

START_TIMER(Interval, Request_ID, Expiry_Action) ,这段伪代码的实现对应于TimingWheel的 add(E e) 方法。

  • 首先检查同样的元素是否已添加到 TimingWheel 中,若已存在则删除旧的引用,重新安置元素在wheel中位置。这个检查是为了满足约束条件2(相等的对象仅存在于一个 slot 中,重新加入相同的元素相当于重置了该元素的 Timer)
  • 获取当前 tick 指针位置的前一个 slot 槽位,放置新加入的元素,并在内部记录下该位置
  • 返回新加入元素的 timeout 时间,以毫秒计算(一般的应用级程序到毫秒这个精度已经足够了)
  • 显然,时间复杂度为O(1)

STOP_TIMER(Request_ID),这段伪代码的实现对应于TimingWheel的 remove(E e) 方法。 - 获取元素在 TimingWheel 中对应 slot 位置 - 从中 slot 中删除 - 显然,时间复杂度也为O(1)

PER_TICK_BOOKKEEPING,伪代码对应于 TimingWheel 中 TickerWorker 中的 run() 方法。 - 获取当前 tick 指针的 slot - 对当前 slot 的所有元素进行 timeout 处理(notifyExpired()) - ticker 不需要针对每个元素去判断其 timeout 时间,故时间复杂度也为 O(1) EXPIRY_PROCESSING,伪代码对应于TimingWheel 中的 notifyExpired() 方法 - 实现了对每个 timeout 元素的 Expiry_Action 处理 - 这里时间复杂度显然 是 O(n)的。 在维护大量连接的例子中: - 连接建立时,把一个连接放入 TimingWheel 中进入 timeout 倒计时 - 每次收到长连接心跳时,重新加入一次TimingWheel 相当于重置了 timer timeout 时间到达时触发 EXPIRY_PROCESSING - EXPIRY_PROCESSING 实际就是关闭超时的连接。

这个简化版的 TimingWheel 实现一个实例只能支持一个固定的 timeout 时长调度,不能支持对于每个元素特定的 timeout 时长。 一种改进的做法是设计一个函数,计算每个元素特定的deadline,并根据deadline计算放置在wheel中的特定位置,这个以后再完善。