Golang Interface


func Foo(x interface{}) {
    if x == nil {
        fmt.Println("empty interface")
    fmt.Println("non-empty interface")

func main() {
    var x *int = nil


$ go run test_interface.go
non-empty interface


根据 interface 是否包含有 method,底层实现上用两种 struct 来表示:iface 和 eface。eface表示不含 method 的 interface 结构,或者叫 empty interface。对于 Golang 中的大部分数据类型都可以抽象出来 _type 结构,同时针对不同的类型还会有一些其他信息。

type eface struct {
    _type *_type
    data  unsafe.Pointer

type _type struct {
    size       uintptr // type size
    ptrdata    uintptr // size of memory prefix holding all pointers
    hash       uint32  // hash of type; avoids computation in hash tables
    tflag      tflag   // extra type information flags
    align      uint8   // alignment of variable with this type
    fieldalign uint8   // alignment of struct field with this type
    kind       uint8   // enumeration for C
    alg        *typeAlg  // algorithm table
    gcdata    *byte    // garbage collection data
    str       nameOff  // string form
    ptrToThis typeOff  // type for pointer to this type, may be zero

iface 表示 non-empty interface 的底层实现。相比于 empty interface,non-empty 要包含一些 method。method 的具体实现存放在 itab.fun 变量里。

type iface struct {
    tab  *itab
    data unsafe.Pointer

// layout of Itab known to compilers
// allocated in non-garbage-collected memory
// Needs to be in sync with
// ../cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go:/^func.dumptypestructs.
type itab struct {
    inter  *interfacetype
    _type  *_type
    link   *itab
    bad    int32
    inhash int32      // has this itab been added to hash?
    fun    [1]uintptr // variable sized